Aqua kingdom hearts
Aqua kingdom hearts

aqua kingdom hearts


The most difficult part of the battle is learning how to handle Spellweaver without receiving a single hit. The first and most necessary step is to use the first two versions of the boss as a sort of practice learning the timing for attacks, learning whether a Barrier or a Cartwheel would be the optimal counters to different attacks, and which attacks can leave the phantom vulnerable. This phantom Aqua is given an extra layer of difficulty when there is an Objective that requires that the player not take any damage during this fight. From then on out, she will frequently activate Spellweaver. Barrier is necessary to survive the attack, and the real phantom will be left wide open for a short instance when the attack finishes. This attack has no escape, as the four will also track Aqua so matter how fast she is moving, and all of them unleash Blizzaga spells that prevent Aqua from attempting to jump to avoid the finisher.

aqua kingdom hearts

Eventually, the phantom Aqua and three of her clones will use the Spellweaver finisher and surround Aqua, shortly before attempting to close in on her and unleash the final ice-based attack, dealing massive damage. Thundaga is sufficient enough to quickly expose the real phantom Aqua.

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If Aqua is unable to locate and hit the real phantom in time, or makes all of the clones vanish, the phantom and nine other clones will reappear and immediately fire off magic orbs.


The real one is distinguishable from the normal health bar as opposed to the full single health bar the clones have, as well as teleporting away when Aqua gets too close rather than vanishing. Occasionally, she will wander the arena with her clones, telling Aqua various insults and intrusive thoughts. During this period, she can fire orbs that can track Aqua. Stay away from her when she does this because the burst she creates from the activation can deliver damage. When the battle begins, the phantom Aqua activates Spellweaver. Not only does she have three health bars, but she now has access to Spellweaver, so be even more cautious. The phantom Aqua drastically changes her move set in the third battle. Still, the same tactics can be used to end her. The phantom Aqua retains her move set from the first battle, but she uses them more frequently. The second battle is nearly identical to the first. Mixing up the combos with magic makes it possible to defeat this version in a single move. Whenever she appears vulnerable, attack her with Keyblade combos and she will soon fall. She can also perform teleporting combos, which can be blocked. When she initiates the attack, it is possible to cancel it with any magic spell, preferably Thundaga due to its instantaneous attack. In one, she can disappear and cast six giant ice crystals that can home in on Aqua, which can be blocked or dodged. The first battle against the phantom Aqua is relatively the easiest fight against her.

Aqua kingdom hearts