And the denser air around our Earth is called atmospheric.Įrasmus Latham, Word-List (1965) citing Newton. Air is nothing other than aether mingled together with the humid effluents and exhalations of solid bodies. Densior aer & circa nostram terram dicitur atmosphaericus. Latham, Word-List (1965), Stahl, Fundamenta chymiae dogmaticae & experimentalis (1746) p.2: Aër nihil aliud est, quam aether effluviis aquosis & exhalationibus corporum solidorum permixtus. The atmosphere is the fine substance embracing on all sides a more firm body. Latham, Word-List (1965), Gordon, Phaenomena electricitatis exposita (1744) p.69: Atmosphaera est corpus subtile quaquaversum ambiens corpus magis compactum. v.6 p.6 (1795)īrahe, Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica (1602) Astronomia scientia antiquissima. Gregory, Astronomiae Physicae & Geometricae Elementa p.xxi (1726) Si Motui Medio Lunae addatur motus medius habebitur motus medius Lunae a Nodo qui & Argumentum Latitudinis vocatur.: If the mean motion should be added to the Mean Motion of Luna, the mean motion of Luna from the Node will be had, which is also called the Argument of Latitude. The maximum point of the planets from the sun A in the elliptical orbit is called aphelium, and it is in C truly the point of minimum distance B is called perihelium, and either of these points is called by the common name auges or apsides. 3 (1754) p.211 Punctum maximae planetarum a sole A in orbita elliptica nominatur aphelium, estque in C minimae vero distantiae punctum B perihelium dicitur, & utrumque hoc punctum communi nomine vocantur auges seu apsides. "the top of the sidereal orbit" Levine, Latin Dictionary (1967)ĭalham, Institutiones Physicae, Vol. Mästlin, Epitome Astronomiae (1610) p.414 (with diagram p.413) See eccentricity for quote. Also Gregory, Astronomiae Physicae & Geometricae Elementa p.xx (1726) Si à motu medio subtrahatur longitudo Apogaei, supererit motus ab Apogaeo seu Anomalia media.: If the longitude of the Apogee should be subtracted from the mean motion, the motion from Apogee, or the mean Anomaly, will be left. Lansberg, Tabulae motuum coelestium (1659). Lansberg, Tabulae motuum coelestium (1659) Verba Astronomiae et Astrophysicae, ex lingua Anglica ad Latinam Verbum Anglice